Monday 6 February 2017

Theresa May Is Worse Than Trump

You probably know Theresa May. She's the scum who in the middle of the night sent people born in the UK on one-way planes to Jamaica. She sent vans round the most multicultural areas of London with a billboard attached telling all migrants to "go home" if they're not legal. She repeatedly blames immigrants for ruining education, healthcare, and transport when there is no evidence of this and in fact her own department at the time (The Home Office) had published reports that debunked this prevalent lie the country is so enamoured with. And she doesn't care about the environment. And she's quite happy to murder 100,000 people (except she won't because she's a coward).

She's also Islamophobic. Supposed 'grassroots' campaigns attempting to integrate Muslims into society were secretly created by May's Home Office in order to socially engineer a 'good' Muslim. The infamous 'prevent' campaign aimed to stop radicalisation focused mainly on Muslims and promoted damaging stereotypes. She spouts the same nebulous rhetoric about 'British Values' without ever stating what these values are, or why they're different from any other countries' claimed values of freedom and justice. After all, North Korea calls itself a 'Democratic Republic.'

Oh, and don't believe the lie that she supports gay rights. She still voted for Section 28; the law which Russia later copied in 2013 that banned 'homosexual propaganda' (in short: to support gay rights became a crime). It was the Liberal Democrats who pushed for a vote on same-sex marriage and The Equality Act - the Conservatives merely permitted this before stealing all credit in an attempt to appear more 'in touch.' May's Home Office also has continued it's appalling treatment of  LGBT asylum seekers. People who risked violence, imprisonment, or even the death penalty in their homeland were turned away because "they didn't meet the profile of a homosexual."

However, she's achingly incompetent. She will go down in history for defining Brexit as "Brexit." Despite her desperately racist attempts, she still couldn't keep to the migration targets. She also supported all the cuts to welfare, the attempts to privatise the NHS, and George Osborne's near-pornographic violation of the economy. To this day she uses migrants as a scapegoat for the damage her own government has caused.

Her horrific (you spent how much on those Oxfam trousers?!) fashion sense only highlights this further. Her high-heels make her lean forwards slightly. When wearing a one-piece dress without a jacket you can see her hunchback. The dress is too tight at the back and loose round the shoulders, making it appear her body is twisted and only squeezed into a human shape. Her hair looks as though it could snap off like a LEGO figure. She is a repulsive, scuttling creature.

Recently, Theresa May took a trip to Bahrain. This is a country with one of the worst human rights records on the planet. It's a psuedo-dictatorhip that in recent years has severely clamped down on freedom of speech. Any criticism of the government is perceived as 'terrorism.' All of this has been propped up by the UK government, who regards Bahrain as a staunch ally. British Intelligence services have trained the Bahrain police to shoot innocents on sight and apply brutal - often lethal - force upon arrest, and the tyrannical regime receives full financial backing from parliament.

Following this, she decided to visit America shortly after Donald Trump, the man who raped his own wife and has repeatedly committed fraud, was made the 45th President of the United States amid a wave of neo-Nazism. The very same day Theresa May visited, Trump attempted to ban anyone in the world holding either single nationality or dual nationality with seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering America. That day was Holocaust Memorial Day. Theresa May only condemned this action three days later despite it affecting her own citizens and still hasn't withdrawn an invitation for Trump to visit the UK later this year.

Immediately afterwards, she visited Turkey to speak with President Erdogran; another pseudo-dictator who last year arrested 259 journalists as 'political prisoners'. He too has a terrible human rights record. In one incident last year, he arrested a man for posting an image on Facebook comparing him to Gollum. We're also in a paradoxical state where we're allied with Turkey whilst also allied with the Kurdish, who are at war with Turkey.

Today, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, intends to visit Number 10. He murdered over 111 Palestinian civilians, including 33 children last year. He has built a wall dividing Israel and Palestine that violates the agreed borders and steals Palestinian land. Thousands woke up to discover that they were now illegally living in Israel, and thus their homes/schools were scheduled for demolition. Oh, and an Israeli ambassador recently threatened to remove a British MP from power. Theresa May doesn't plan to raise this with the Israeli President despite this MP being in her own party. Organisations in the UK are banned from boycotting Israel, and any criticism of the Israeli government is considered anti-Semitic despite the oppression of Palestinians contradicting Jewish doctrine. (By their logic, saying my blog is shit would be homophobic.) Recognising Palestine as a state is itself treated as suspicious, and highly I suspect my support has put me on a watch list.

Theresa May doesn't care. She claims to be an ambassador for 'British Values' whilst collaborating with people who, if there was any freedom or justice in this world, would be in prison. Every word that comes from her mouth is a lie. This is the woman who actually didn't want England to leave the EU, but muscled her way into the Brexit PM chair. She claimed to do this because she was the only one responsible enough to secure a fair deal, when actually the deal is very unfair. She now wants to leave the single market, which again she was against prior. Leaving the single market will fuck over the UK for a long, long time in addition to completely breaking down diplomatic relations with Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the whole of Europe. The days of 'the United Kingdom' may end, and it's all because a spineless wretch in Prada wants to appease ageing racists. You've fucked an entire generation to sway UKIP voters.

But no-ones talking about this, The exact same thing happened with George Bush. We all laughed at Bush stumbling his way through life, screwing up again and again. When I was growing up, America was this country like ours only insane. From our perspective, everyone was an ultra-parranoid gun-nut controlled by a blithering idiot. So we laughed.

Whilst we were laughing, the exact same Wall Street corruption that led to the 2008 financial crisis was occurring in London. We cracked dark jokes about Guantanamo Bay and CIA torture when we were complicit in these actions too. We moaned about how strict American borders were whilst UK citizens were being detained by British Intelligence just because they have a foreign sounding name. We were just as insane as the Bush Administration.

It's happening all over again. Theresa May was one of the first leaders to run and kiss the posterior of a tyrant. Of course she wasn't going to challenge Trump on any issue. How can you challenge a person's principles when you yourself have none? How can you still claim to be a champion of democracy when you hold hands with a fascist.

Why would Theresa May condemn Trump's attempt to ban Muslims from entering the country when she's willing to cease all European trade just to keep immigrants out? The eventual condemnation (that occurred three whole days later) was so half-hearted because May is perfect for Trump. Considering how loveless his current marriage seems, perhaps they should just marry and get it over with.

The worst part is everyone's justification: "Yes," they say, "Trump is evil. But we depend on America as an ally."

These are the exact same people who claimed we needed to leave the EU because we were being controlled by tyrants when we're perfectly able to look after ourselves thank you very much. In reality, it means we've been forced to jump into bed with the worst people on this planet. And the fact we do it not just willingly but eagerly makes us the worst of the lot because we're the ones who have no standard.

There is no depth to which Theresa May will not sink. No evil she won't partake in. And that makes her the worst of all.

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