Monday 20 February 2017

The Homo-eroticism Of Neo-Nazism

Vice News recently stumbled across a 2014 webcomic called Iron Pill. Unless you want your internet history to be filled with neo-Nazi sites then I recommend just watching the video explaining what it is.

If you're too lazy/are reading this on a smartphone then Iron Pill is just one example of Nazi homo-erotica. It concerns rejecting degenerate trends such as pornography. Instead of masturbation, you should shift your efforts towards quasi-spiritualism. Worship the Nazi ideology whilst obtaining ripped abs. It's almost hilarious how the webcomic tells you to reject your sex-drive when it gives you diet and workout advice for becoming this smoking hot alpha-male. Irony Pill would be a better title.

This trend of homo-erotic imagery has always existed in Nazism. Hitler himself was an artist and failed architect who strove for aesthetic perfection. Nazis and subsequent white supremacists are obsessed with slim hairless young blonde men - or 'twinks' as they're referred to in the LGBTQ+ community. Triumph Of The Will features a lengthy sequence showing several camps of young men washing, shaving, and styling their hair. The film proceeds to barrage us with parades of physically fit men in trimmed uniforms stomping through the screen.

The Berlin Olympic Stadium is perhaps the only piece of Nazi architecture still standing. Of course, it is heavily altered. The seats have been re-formed so it's impossible to sit anywhere near where the Nazi party sat. Several statues were torn down. Hitler's name has been struck off a wall. The swastikas are gone. Yet you can stand at the feet of the bell-tower where Hitler surveyed an enormous demonstration. The hard stone exterior is unaltered. The swimming pool once covered in antisemitic graffiti remains. And several Greek-style statues of muscle-bound, near-naked Aryan men are still erect. Ultimately, it leads back to homo-erotica.

Whilst the Nazis would eventually murder thousands of homosexuals, they were more hesitant to do so than they were with Jewish, Romani, and Black citizens. The majority of German homosexuals were Aryan, and thus the Nazis didn't wish to exterminate members of 'the master race' unless they were traitors against National Socialism. Instead, the Gestapo would approach or arrest homosexuals before giving them a chance to 'correct' themselves. Those who submitted were often castrated or else forced to undergo some form of therapy. Those who resisted were sent to either prison or concentration camps.

As with all anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, the Nazis laws negatively affected straight, cisgender citizens also. The vagueness of the laws meant that sharing a room (regardless of whether you're in the same bed) with another man was grounds for arrest. You couldn't do anything that may be mistaken as intimacy; meaning you would have to second-guess your every move. In the end, this obsession with conforming to masculine norms just makes everyone fret about homosexuality even more; when the clear solution is to just relax.

Homophobes are not closeted homosexuals. There are several incidents where it turned out anti-LGBTQ+ hate preachers have themselves turned out to solicit rent-boys (or, sickeningly; just boys) but it's churlish to assume that those obsessed with gay people are themselves gay. Ultimately, the homo-eroticism is much darker and less easy to combat than repressed homosexuality. Rather; it is something I guarantee everyone has felt at some point in their lives: repressed sexuality.

The metrosexual culture that begun in the 'Patrick Bateman' era of the 1980's and later boomed in the late 1990's/early 2000's with a rise in economic prosperity focused on sexuality. You must buy these clothes, use all these products, and visit this gym so you can be sexually attractive. You must breed, and you can only breed by consuming. The shop window mannequin is a perfectly toned piece of plastic that you must aspire you; yet once you've mimicked the mannequin you become a mass-produced product for both sexes to either posses or become.

With every culture there is counter-culture. The 2010's continues to see a boom in 'healthy living.' Big brands started having a 'sugar free' or 'fat free' option that are for some reason more expensive. Products celebrate 'natural beauty' and instead of trying to change your body they now promise to 'cleanse' you. Self-help books and 'experts' burst from every online orifice telling you to ignore trying to strive for an 'ideal' and listen to their definition of an 'ideal' instead.

Whichever culture you choose, the end result is you consuming. And you can only breed by consuming.

Neo-Nazis exist on two extremes. Firstly; there are the extreme metrosexuals. Those who believe that humanity must not only be groomed and polished but it must be Aryan. Everything must conform to their standard of moral decency, yet ironically that 'decency' involves abusing those who aren't an attractive white athlete, and harassing women who dare to be human beings rather than a sex object.

Then, there are 'the enlightened ones.' Those who believe to have either moved past flesh-desires or else 'seen the truth.' They've read all the mad conspiracy theories. They've read these white, self-help books. These are the people who boycotted the last Star Wars movie because they think The Empire was right (thus failing a morality test designed for ten year-olds). These people are so desperate to stand out, so repressed that they'll shift their deprived sexual energy onto the most illogical of concepts.

The twist here is that these two extremes are one. Both rely on an aesthetic ideal. The extreme metrosexuals want every member of the human race to look like a mannequin, and the 'enlightened ones' want to destroy the current order that tells them what to think. (The irony being that they're mindlessly following other 'enlightened ones.') They hate feminists telling them to respect the other 50% of the population. They hate politicians telling them to get a job. They hate Twitter saying they can't harass people.

Notice how both are sexist? Notice how xenophobia drives both as you must shun that which is not who you want to be. I've always thought a left wing/right wing scale is incorrect considering how right wing extremists often mimic the actions (or at least rhetoric) of left wing extremists. Donald Trump claimed he was going to 'drain the swamp' and stop America from being controlled by an elite cult. So, naturally, he set up an elite cult that proceeded to strip the US's poorest and most vulnerable of their rights.

Instead, I think we need a wheel. The twelve o'clock position would be Nazis. Six o'clock would be non-violent, co-operative democracy. Three o'clock and nine o'clock would be those who are apolitical. Of course, there is no actual way to chart the trends of ideology considering how inter-sectional politics is; but if we must then a less linear scale is required. It's similar to how we would all be better off just not identifying our sexuality or gender, but such a concept is so complex for the population as a whole to understand that we must resort to Kinsey scales and pronouns...except we're actually just making things more complicated by doing this.

Is everyone who voted for Brexit/Trump sexually repressed? Is the average Nazi your stereotypical ugly white male? Of course not. Xenophobic and nationalist ideals spawn from a variety of places. If there was one simple reason for why such regression keeps occurring then it would be solved. In fact, it might not have even started in the first place.

However, this trend of promoting an aesthetic ideal is not only damaging to society as a whole; it is the biggest fuel behind Neo-Nazism. If we are to prevail in the second war against Nazism then a good starting point would be persuading these sexually repressed young white men to just relax.

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