Monday 10 November 2014

Five Reasons Why ‘X Reasons’ Lists Should Go And Explode

 1. The Trivialisation of Everything

Life is not a list. That may seem obvious, but think about it.
Nothing in this world can be coherently ranked unless it’s abhorrent. I can’t say whether bread is better than cheese, but I can definitely say that either is better than celery…and chocolate trumps them all.

Life is a thing with infinite possibilities, infinite values, it’s just infinite. But listing reduces it to a finite, arbitrarily ranked slip of paper to be stuck on your wall and never looked at. Life becomes not something you explore, discover, or even just observe – it’s something to be stuck in a filing cabinet.

2.      2. The Dumbing Down of all Discourse.

You probably don’t even know what discourse is, do you?

Listing has turned articles about various topics into a series of viral images. There used to be a time when people would have to articulate their points. Even the tackiest website would have to use that ‘P.E.E’ structure the ‘writers’ giggled at when they were thirteen. (My history teacher went one step further and introduced ‘C.O.C’ and ‘F.E.C’ to the world.)

But now we have just one simple sentence followed by a picture of a cat. And that’s our lot. Sometimes we’ll get two sentences if we have an Oscar Wilde in our midst.

Because who uses words to convey witticisms, anecdotes, and banter? That’s SO 1850! We use Anchorman GIFs now! We use pop-culture to express our views on pop-culture. We exist in this great big ball of excrement outside of actual thought or creativity!

3.      1. The Plaguing of Social Media

Social media already has pseudo-charities and pseudo-socialism and pseudo-autobiographies and sodding Ice Bucket Challenges without also needed these lists. I don’t even know what anyone’s doing even more. I think my cousin might be dead. My childhood friends might be in prison for drug-trafficking. I don’t know – all I’m getting is pop-culture drip-fed via barely-literate articles.

4.      8. The Promotion of Discussion When There is None

Never encourage online discussion, because there is no discussion online. It’s impossible to have a conversation online because you can’t see who you’re talking to and you’re communicating through different plains of existence, both literally and figuratively

Lists always end with something like: “Disagree? Share your thoughts in the comments.” And then you scroll down to find either idiots or, more likely, nothing.

There is no discussion online – there is only debate, and I never engage in debate because in a debate there is no right or wrong answer. People will just shout until their blue in the face and nothing will be achieved. And with that, I’ve just summed up the internet in a nutshell.

5.     #. The Whole “Number 3 will have you in tears” Bollocks

I don’t know about you, but as a writer I’ve always been told never to say how your reader should feel. So my scrotum shrivels like a chestnut whenever I see that the title of ‘One Reason Why Oxygen Is Good For You: You won’t believe number one!”

You don’t have to say “you will now be amazed” or “you’re about to be terrified” when you’re a writer. Just amaze or terrify! Once you’ve set the readers expectation so high, you can either meet it or flunk it. You can’t exceed it.

Telling your reader what they should think is Orwellian, smug, condescending, and just appalling writing. In fact, that’s what wrong with these ‘articles’ in the first place. I should have just written this paragraph and then bunked off…just like everyone else who writes lists.

Disagree? Then sod off. You have the free-thought to ignore this post completely and carry on with your life never thinking about me again.

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