Thursday, 30 June 2016

British Independence From Fact

I've delayed writing about this issue for the same reason I never wrote anything concerning the EU Referendum itself: where do you start?

Monday, 20 June 2016

Monty Python And Weaponization

Monty Python remains a British national treasure regardless of the fact that their humour really hasn't aged well, as was proven during their 2014 comeback. It received a resurgence during the rise of the internet and it's 'random' humour that took influence from the Python's non-sequitur, stream-of-conscience style. But it's well known that 40% of Monty Python's Flying Circus dies on it's face, whilst the rest has been sadly tainted by endless quoting.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

My Dying Scream For Orlando

If, as a 22 year old gay writer, I'm supposed to be some kind of representative for my generation, then this is the first time I might be fulfilling this role. I am a shell of a human. The last few years have numbed me, and now I feel my stone heart begin to crack finally. What follows is my dying scream, because at last you've all come for me now.