Sunday 28 June 2015

It's Not Over

I was having a bad day Friday. Work was a pain, with ten computers deciding to simultaneously break in one room - and the only way I could get them working again was to replace every network cable and tear out part of the wall so I could thread all the wires through. Then, covered in dust, I had to trawl through the cupboard full of broken computers noting the serial number, unscrewing the back, and then adding the serial numbers to a database. I still maintain that I like my job, but I almost ran out once the day was over.

Monday 22 June 2015

Screwing Up

What's your one biggest fear? Mine is death. Oh, and spiders....because they remind me of death. If you want to be my boyfriend then you need to be able to deal with spiders in a way that doesn't involve having an arachnid corpse splattered against the wall. Or perhaps radiate a chemical that naturally repels them. Or just be really good with a hoover.

Monday 15 June 2015

"Have You Tried Turning It Off And On Again?"

I generally dislike computers. People who say they only do what you tell them to do are filthy liars who'll be the first against the wall when I invade society and reclaim my rightful throne. I don't think I've ever told a computer to suddenly reboot or corrupt a file or explode into a shower of sparks.

Monday 1 June 2015

YouTubers: The New Rockstars

So YouTube is celebrating its 10th Anniversary, which makes me incredibly nostalgic. I remember the days when only people my age understood this weird little website. There was a time when you could find anything on YouTube - albeit in crappy pre-HD quality. It was a wonderful, free world. Then Skynet invaded.